Wednesday, September 23, 2009

25 Not-so-random things about Sara

Remember the 25 Random Things craze that hit facebook back in January 2008? Well... I'm going to be really cheap and repost my 25 list here, with a few slight changes. (For example, I am no longer a dog washer.)

1. My husband Roger died on April 26, 2008. He was killed when he hit a guardrail on his motorcycle. I was pregnant with our 3rd daughter, she died a few weeks later. (12 weeks into the pregnancy) I got to hear her heartbeat on the ultrasound about week before the miscarriage… it was faint and slow, but marvelous proof that she was real and alive, if only for a little bit. I only put this first because some of you don't know this, and people don't always read to the bottom.

2. I think my friend Robin Meek is one of the most wonderful women anyone will ever meet. There are a million things I could say about her… but this isn’t about her. [edit: I want to add about 10 more names to the list of the most wonderful women anyone will ever meet, so maybe i need to delete this, but I still love Robin so I'll leave it!]

3. It annoys me to see a photo album named ‘Random Pics.’ I believe that more than 99% of stuff that people post on FB (pics and comments) is not random. I believe most 'random' stuff is carefully selected to masterfully craft the image one presents of oneself. Random is not the pic of you and that really hot guy or girl that agreed to pose with you at the bar... like "look at this pic of me drinking a beer with that hot guy / girl... I’m so cool, I’m so fun, really I am....see, I put it on facebook!"
I want to see what would happen if there was program that would RANDOMLY chose a pic from someone's computer and upload it to FACEBOOK. Anybody brave enough to allow that? I'm not! [End of rant on randomality]

4. I spend way too much time on facebook, but I LOVE IT. I love that I've been able to connect with people from my past, and become more acquainted with people I see every week. Facebook has been a wonderful gift to me this year, and as with all good things, (like gin) facebook must be used in moderation. (I’ll try to remember this.)

5. I've always been attracted to really dark stuff. Like the work of Edgar Allen Poe, gargoyles, and certain kinds of music.

6. I never felt free to express my thoughts and dress the way I wanted to dress, especially in high school. If I did, I would have worn black gothic stuff long before it was trendy.

7. There is only one person who never has and never will let me down. His name is Jesus, and he loves me so completely and perfectly. I accepted his love, forgiveness, leadership, and salvation on Nov. 1, 2006. My personal choice to enter into this relationship with Jesus has changed both my eternity and my life. I’m far from perfect, and yet He saves me every day.

8. I love more than I ever have before and have new eyes for people.

9. I’ll never REALLY be ok again… and that’s a great thing, because my heart breaks for this broken world.

10. I don’t expect all my friends to understand the Jesus thing, and I won’t push my beliefs on anyone, but I hope that one day everyone will accept Him and let Him save them.

11. My girls are taking orders for Girl Scout cookies. Email me your order before 1/31.

12. My house is ALWAYS messy; it keeps me from inviting people over, because I’m so embarrassed.

13. When I lived in Bellevue, I would have been overjoyed if any one of these guys would have paid attention to me or asked me out (not in any particular order): Jake Schaaf, Galen Martin, Mike Freeman, Tom Myers, Marcus Lehnart, Aaron Nicely. There, now you guys know!

14. My Christmas tree is still up… so is all my Christmas décor. I’m considering buying hearts, to decorate it for Valentine’s Day so I don’t have to take it down. (Then shamrocks, then Easter eggs… you get the picture.)

15. Speaking of shamrocks… My wedding anniversary is March 17 (St. Patrick’s Day) I really need someone special to take me out this year to get really drunk, listen to whatever drunken craziness I spew out about my dead husband, not judge me for it and take care of me afterwards. Tall order, eh? [Didn't actually do this.]

16. I am Canadian-American.

17. I’m always surprised when people say I’m beautiful, only now am I starting to feel beautiful.

18. Sara Dailey, BBA (GPA 3.2 if I remember correctly)
Focus concentration – Marketing
Integral concentration – International Business
Occupation – Part-time dog washer. My degree and the extra classes in German language,
literature, history & culture have come in handy in dealing with the German Shepards.
[no longer washing dogs, but it was fun while it lasted]

19. I’ve learned this: a deep desire to hide something is a good indicator of the need to reveal that ‘something’ and bring it into the light.

20. I feel sad that I didn’t get very many date nights with my husband before he died. I don’t want a boyfriend, but I want a date night. (Yeah, I know it doesn’t make any sense!)

21. Wishing I could ask a handsome beetroot farmer out for the above mentioned date night.

22. I’m going to play rugby this spring with the Lexington Black Widows Rugby Union. I don’t know how to play rugby. They say the best way to learn, is to just get out there and play. (And no they aren’t ALL widows, just me.)

23. I want to go to Lombok, Indonesia.

24. Not asking for help when I really needed it has cost me dearly.

25. I really want to be known… why do you think I post so much on facebook?

26. I LOVE to sing. I wish I had a better voice. I wish I could use my voice to be the next Disney Princess.

27. I use parentheticals way too much.

28. I have some sort of aversion to the letter ‘O’. In fact for a long time I would go to Bigg’s, Meijer, or Thriftway rather than Kroger, just because of the name. (But I’m getting over it.)

29. Sometimes, I just don’t know when to stop, hence #29.

30. I only set my thermostat on even numbers (See #27 and #29)